With A Path Through, Jason Donaire intricately weaves bridges between the contemporary horror, science fiction and romance. Although deeply rooted in long-form storytelling, Donaire has written thought provoking short stories for many years and this experience is evident in his mind bending debut work. A Path Through touches on questions of individuality, society and the nature of our universe.
A man ushered into the role of leading the most powerful nation on Earth, only to be humbled by a dark secret. A young woman who walks to the same café every day suddenly meets her soulmate. A soldier caught up in a distant war discovers a frightening truth about the conflict—and his own reality. A cruise ship’s Chief Security officer finds a young woman who is not in the passenger list. And, in the story “A Path Through,” Donaire shines a light on a world that we all unconsciously ignore, propelling us into the darkest recesses of our minds.
Intriguing, scary and exciting, A Path Through is a rollercoaster ride of short stories, with a new installment released every first week of the month. The best part? It’s free.